Boston Scientific Grows AHP Learning Center

The Need
The Boston Scientific (BSC) Rhythm Management group identified a need to attract and retain customers by creating educational opportunities that offer continuing education (CE) credits for Allied Healthcare Professionals.
The Solution

Working closely with BSC, KDG created a large series of customer facing microsites. Each microsite focuses on a specific device or therapy and contains training modules that offer CE credits, case studies, KOL interviews, videos, workbooks, webinars, FAQs, and various other resources. The microsites make it easy for BSC’s customers to find all the information they need about a device or therapy they are interested in.

Learning Management System
KDG also created a custom learning management system (LMS) to host these approved CE courses and track who has successfully completed them. CE Certificates are issued upon completion. The LMS user base has grown to over 6,500 registered customers who have received over 13,350 CE credits.

eLearning Courses
Many of the courses focus on new devices or therapies developed by BSC. KDG developed the courses by helping BSC identify key learning objectives, write the content and script, and create custom graphics and interactivity. The courses were then submitted for accreditation.
Some of the courses were already accredited for CEs but were only offered as a live presentation. The pandemic put a stop to those presentations. In order to continue to offer customers CE credits, the live presentations were converted to eLearning courses. BSC now has two ways to offer their customers CE credits.
The courses continue to be popular with new AHP’s registering every day.
Other BSC groups decided they also wanted to offer their customers CE courses. KDG started with Rhythm Managements Electrophysiology courses and has since added Interventional Cardiology and Peripheral Intervention courses.
In addition to the CE courses, the LMS also hosts physician training for clinical trials. These special courses are hidden from anyone who is not enrolled in the clinical trial. The training is accessed through a password-protected microsite that contains all information needed for a specific clinical trial.