6th – 12th Grade
Online Education

The Need
Pearson requested KDG to help fulfill the need for an efficient and innovative online assessment program for the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). MDE needed to deliver Comprehensive Assessments, Item Development and Implementation for Grades 6-12. MDE desired the use of innovative online testing ‘scenarios’ integrated within a database driven assessment and tracking program.
The Solution

Interactive Scenarios
KDG supported Pearson by developing a multitude of online assessment scenarios that include testing, scoring and interactive multimedia content. The scenarios are focused within the discipline of science. These scenarios feature interactive testing that includes multiple choice, drag and drop, plotting points on graphs, creating bar charts, labeling and click on an image (figural response) to name a few. These scenarios also feature a rich variety of custom 2D and 3D graphics. This design approach keeps the students engaged and offers a more memorable experience.
Included here are just several samples of this large project that consisted of many modules, topics and interactives.
Lake Ecosystem

Bird Identification

Various Characters

Innovative Assessment Tools
Tools are also provided to assist students in answering the questions. Included are a notepad, calculator, ruler, highlighter, erase tool, eliminate tool (to assist in multiple choice questions), an undo tool and help screens. This solution works seamlessly with Pearson’s assessment and test delivery system that in turn is the final solution implemented for MDE. Future scenarios will be developed for this initiative.